Causes of Chronic Dog Nasal Discharge

by Christy Gagliardi
(United States)

Reader Question: Treating Nasal Discharge and Mucus

Are there any natural remedies for 10 year old German Shepherd to treat nasal discharge and occasional coughing up mucus. He is otherwise healthy, great appetite. Had blood work done and nothing bad came up. He had pneumonia diagnosed 4 months ago . He did seem to get better but has had this nasal discharge ( not green or yellow ) but thick and cloudy. At times has a hard time breathing because of the drainage.

Vet Suggestion on Canine Nasal Discharge


I’m afraid I can’t make any treatment recommendations (natural or otherwise) without a lot more information about your dog’s case and the opportunity to perform a physical exam. The wrong form of treatment would at best, be a waste of money, but could even make your dog’s condition worse rather than better.

Common causes of chronic nasal discharge in dogs (particularly those that don’t respond to an appropriate course of antibiotics) include nasal tumors, foreign bodies in the nasal passages, and fungal infections, all of which are best diagnosed (and sometimes treated) via rhinoscopy, the “nasal scope” that you mentioned.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Mar 01, 2015
Nasal discharge
by: Anonymous

I can relate!
My dog has had nasal discharge as well for months. His behavior is normal otherwise, except I have to restrict outdoor exposure- tough for a dog.

He'll go a few weeks without an issue then suddenly the mucous, gagging, etc. starts up and eventually a nosebleed. I fell sorry for the poor guy.

How long does it take to treat a fungal infection if it is not due to a sinus infection-just curious?

Any other diagnostic tool out there which does not require having to place my 13 yr old under sedation?

Mar 24, 2014
Dog Nasal Discharge
by: Anonymous

My 12 year old daschund has had a nose full of mucous for more then 3 months now mixed with blood at times. She has had blood work and cat scans and x-rays and 2 rhinoscopies and they found nothing but irrated one side of the nose full of mucous. She had a biopsy and all good . Been on Zeniquin 3 months now and still has it. Dr also prescribed L-Lysine to keep the mucous moist so she can get it out. It's no better now then when I started 3,500$ ago. I feel sorry for her cause she normally is so happy but her nose drives her nuts. So they labled it severe rhinitis.

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