Female Dog Bladder Surgery

by Desiree
(Fajardo, Puerto Rico)

My Shih-Zu female dog who is 8 yrs old had a stone removed from her bladder 2 weeks ago. 4 days after her surgery she had a bladder rupture and I went to the vet to for emergency surgery to get her bladder all closed up again. Then 5 days after her dog bladder rupture she had another bladder rupture. After sending her to the emergency room again for another surgery they had to put drainage on her tummy so she can get rid of all the liquid accumulation.

4 days have passed and she is still under veterinary observation because her bladder just won't heal. f was wondering if there are any remedies or medicines that can help to make her bladder heal faster, and to have her bladder muscles and tissues get strong???

Please i really need some information on this dog bladder rupture issue.


Editor Suggestion Dog Bladder Rupture

Dear Desiree,

Sorry to hear about the repeated dog bladder rupture problem.

The healing process after surgery is affected by various factors. It depends on the type of muscle involved, age, nutritional deficiencies, immune status, pressure on the bladder, post surgical care and management.

A dog bladder has different layers of muscles, including detrusor muscles and fundus. Actually these are layers of smooth muscles, which are flexible and thus surgical wounds may take longer then normal to heal. Also, surgical wounds heal side by side, therefore the healing process also depends upon the type of incision made.

Since your dog is a senior, age is another factor in delayed healing and the rupturing of bladder muscles. Smooth muscles become weakened with age and immunity also declines.

Nutritional deficiencies, specifically vitamin C, vitamin A and zinc etc are other factors in delayed
healing and weakened bladder muscles.

These components in food are necessary for the physiological recovery process. Some drugs like corticosteroids and a few antibiotics are another factor, which can cause muscle weakening and they could slow down the healing process.

Also, fluid/urine in the dog urinary bladder also exerts pressure on the bladder walls, and due to the same reason, the bladder becomes bouncy and thus even minor jumping, walking or mishandling can lead to a rupturing of the dog bladder walls.

So, there are numerous factors which should be addressed to prevent the rupturing of bladder walls. You should be able to improve the healing process with supplementation and by improving the immune status of your dog.

Here, we can recommend some natural remedies and vitamin supplements, which will help during recovery.

Vitamins and mineral supplements such as NutraVet Multi-Vite will help to improve the physiological capacity of your pet and will hasten the healing process. Also, these supplements will improve bladder strength.

Additionally, we recommend that you should use a natural remedy such as UTI Free, which should maintain urinary tract health and keeps urine flowing properly. This is very important, so that not only can any bacterial population be eliminated, but also to reduce the chance of fluid pressure exerted on the bladder walls.

Take good care of your pet and discuss any prescribed medications with your veterinarian. If corticosteroids are being administered, they should be stopped at once. Keep your pet at rest while it heals and make sure it does not run, jump or walk excessively.

We believe these steps will help the dog bladder heal and prevent the dog bladder rupture problem. Please keep us up to date on the condition and best of luck to you and your dog.

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May 12, 2011
Awe! My Oscar is having problems after the Stone Removal
by: Oscar

I feel so bad for your dog and you! I am a real annimal lover and stories like this makes me so sad! Oscar had a stone removed 5 weeks ago and still having the urgency to go good stream the first time and then he thinks he needs to go again like 5 times. Goes very often. The vet wants to put a catheter to flush him out to see...I can't take this! Oscar is only 6 years old and he is our only "Kid".

Sep 03, 2012
Bladder surgery to remove stones
by: Anonymous

If you could please let me know how you handled the situation. My dog had stones removed 2 months ago and I'm dealing with the same problem. He has good stream first time and then keeps straining over and over again. I don't know what to do anymore. Had x-rays taken they do not show more stones. Did you find the cause?

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