Dog Bite Wound Care

by Sarah
(Kent Wa)

Dec. 05 2023 Bite Wound on My Dog

Dec. 05 2023 Bite Wound on My Dog

I have a 14 year old pitbull/boxer/mastiff mix and he had a bite that turned into a big sore. I haven't gone to the vet do the lack of funds but I'm trying to keep it clean and wondering what else I can do for him at home. He still has life left in his eyes so I don't want to euthanize him at all. Is there any treatments that you can recommend for me to do?

Suggestions From Our Editor on Treating a Dog Bite Wound

Hi Sarah,

From the images you've provided, it seems that the bite wound on your dog has progressed quite significantly. The initial bite appears to have turned into an open sore, which suggests a possible infection or poor healing due to your dog's age.

Here's how you might manage the wound home, prioritized from most urgent to supportive care:

Prevent Infection: Infection is a primary concern with any open wound.

Action: Keep cleaning the area gently with a saline solution. You can make this at home by dissolving a teaspoon of salt in a pint of boiled water, letting it cool before use. Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment if available, and ensure your dog doesn't lick the wound by using an Elizabethan collar.

Promote Healing: Proper wound care is essential to promote healing.

Action: After cleaning, you could use a thin layer of honey on the wound; medical-grade honey
is ideal due to its healing properties. Honey has antibacterial properties and a unique pH balance that promotes oxygen and healing compounds to a wound. Cover it with a clean, non-stick bandage, changing it daily.

Pain Management: Keeping Your Dog Comfortable

Action: You can provide some relief by using a cold compress for short periods. However, do not give human painkillers without consulting a vet, as many are toxic to dogs.
Monitoring: Close monitoring is crucial.

Action: Check the wound at least twice daily for signs of increased redness, swelling, discharge, or a foul odor. These could indicate a worsening infection.

Nutrition and Hydration: Supporting your dog's overall health can aid recovery.

Action: Ensure he has access to fresh water and consider foods that promote healing, like those rich in protein and essential nutrients.

Seeking Assistance: Financial constraints can be challenging, but some organizations offer help.

Action: Look into local animal charities, shelters, or veterinary schools that might provide low-cost medical services.

Keep an eye on the wound; if it doesn't start to improve in a few days, or if you notice any of the concerning signs I mentioned, it's critical to find a way to get professional veterinary care. Your commitment to your dog's well-being is clear, and I hope these steps can provide some comfort and aid in his recovery.

All the best to you and your dog,

Editor and Publisher
Dog Health Guide

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