Dog Parvo

by Lisa Son
(p.c.b,fl usa)

Dog Parvo Reader Question: I've had my sweet hercules for 4mth on feb 17-2010 and he got parvo and it hurts so mad, we took him to the Dr. but my main ? is how long does parvo stay in the soil and what can i do to prevent it from happening again.

I did bleach the whole yard, double, and he is at the vet. We are praying very hard so if anyone can add him to your prayers,we would be so grateful.

Thank You


Dog Parvo Editor Comment

Dear Lisa,

Thank you for your question and sorry to hear about the dog parvo problem.

Canine Parvovirus Disease or CPV-D is a highly contagious and transmissible disease. The virus spreads either by direct contact or through feces of an infected dog. It may occur in dogs of any age, but puppies, especially those not protected with maternal antibodies or by vaccination are more at risk. Research has revealed that the mortality rate in affected dogs may reach 90 – 92%, but aggressive therapy can help the recovery rate reach 80 – 85%.

Besides treatment and any recommended treatment, the virus should be eliminated from your dog's environment, otherwise it can infect recovered and other healthy dogs.

We suggest following these steps in order to keep your house and environment free from the canine parvo virus:

1. The virus spreads through direct contact with an infected for or contact with the feces of an infected animal or carrier animal. The virus is very resistant to several disinfectants. Common household
bleach, with a dilution ratio 1:30 is effective to inactivate the virus.

In addition to household bleach, to completely eliminate the virus, contaminated places should be disinfected with specially formulated commercial disinfectants.

2. Recovered dogs are a carrier of pathogens and can shed the virus in their feces for days or weeks. Once your pet is back home, ensure that it is isolated and its space is regularly cleaned and disinfected. Disinfect the space with bleach and available quality disinfectants such as Tomlyn Trifectant Disinfectant and wash your dog's belongings with detergent.

3. Keep the recovered dog isolated and away from coming in contact with other dogs since he may transmit the virus to them. Your dog's immune system is depressed, so keep your pet away from other dog's since your dog is susceptible to secondary infections that ordinarily the immune system could resist.

4. In addition to disinfection, isolation and care, you can try some natural remedies such as Immunity & Liver Support Formula. These will help your dog recover depressed immunity levels and will it definitely reduce the chance of any mild recurrence of parvovirus disease and other secondary problems associated with the disease.

5. After recovery, make sure that you discuss the vaccination schedule for dog parvo with your veterinarian; follow whatever your veterinarian recommends in this regard. If you have other dogs, make sure they get timely vaccinations; immunization and disinfection is only way to prevent this disease.

Please keep us up to date with your dog's status and best of luck fighting this serious canine virus.

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Aug 03, 2013
Parvo Questions
by: Anonymous

How long do I have to keep my Parvovirus recovered 10 month doxie away from the other 2 yr- adult 7 yr doxies and a recovered 8 week old puppy away.? they both got it july21 and it is aug 4th how many months or weeks more before they are done and come into the house and play yard with out infecting the other dogs?

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