Dog Red Ear Problem

by Christy
(Dallas TX)

My dachshund/chiwienie mix is a 3 yr old female. She has redness and a little scaliness in one of her ears. I notice in the morning that there is no heat or redness...but at the end of the day both dog ears get hot and red. The scaliness (even a little bumpy texture) around the edge of her ear is there but not too much. Should I just rub some tea tree oil on the ear flap at night? She doesn't shake her head like it's a dog ear infection, but she is always licking/chewing her paws. Maybe does she just have allergies?

Editor Comment - Dog Red Ear Problem

Dear Christy,

Thank you for your question and sorry to hear about the dog red ear, bumps, scaly skin and hot ear problems.

A dog ear normally contains microbes (parasites, bacteria and fungus) and dog ear wax. The immune system of a dog's body keeps all of these in limited and required populations to maintain dog ear health. But, if a dog faces some type of localized and/or generalized condition, especially in the case of skin conditions, the immune system gets depressed and the microbial population increases, causing dog ear problems.

In this case, it seems that your pet has some type of primary condition which originated on the skin and paws, and then spread to the ears. It is probably
an allergy. Confirmation of the condition can only be made through an examination of the dog ear condition and possibly the use of laboratory tests. What ever this condition is, it seems to be in its initial stages.

You can try some measures at home. Bathe your dog with a quality shampoo such as
Clinical Care Antiparasitic and Antiseborrheic Medicated Shampoo, or a quality herbal shampoo, to control any underlying generalized microbial activity over the skin.

The chewing and licking of paws indicates that your pet is experiencing itchiness, which can be an allergy or may be a parasitic infestation. You should use a medicated spray such as Top Paw Itch Ease Medicated Spray, particularly on the paws and outer ears. This can help to reduce any itchiness and to control any possible underlying mild condition.

Tea tree oil is effective, but using it only over the outer ear will not help the inner ear. You can use it for the external ear, but better to use a natural ear remedy such as
Ear Dr., to control microbial activity in the inner ear. Use this remedy on both of the ears, for effective control.

If the condition persists even after these measures, or you feel some extra ordinary symptoms developing, you should consult a nearby veterinarian for a detailed examination and diagnosis.

Please keep us up to date on the dog red ear problem.

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Jun 08, 2010
Ear Drops for Dogs
by: Anonymous

My dog has had a lot of ear infection problems over the years. It seems he always had red ears, sore, tender, oozing or waxy substance in the ears was normal. Nothing made it go away, we were at the vet's office more times than I can count and everything the dog ear infection kept coming back. We've been treating the dogs ears now with natural ear drops for dog ear infection treatment and it is working great. No more red sore ears and it is nice that it's holistic natural ear drops that fixed the ear problems for us. The product we used is Dr. Dogs Ear Oil.

Editor Comment: Note that natural products are what are called supportive remedies in that they don't address a specific ear problem. Instead they support the ear by improving its overall condition. To specifically treat infection, a prescription is required from a veterinarian who will define a treatment plan. See this page for more information on treating dog ear infections.

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