Dog Unable to Jump on Furniture
Dog Unable to Jump on Furniture Reader Question
My 10 year old Chihuahua/Dachshund neutered female mix is unable to jump on the furniture. What would cause it? She tries to jump but can't make it. This has been going on for 3 days.
She has no known conditions such as arthritis and has not shown any behavioral or medical problems up to now. She walks fine - wobbling like a dachshund does.
She isn't eating, drinking or playing as much as she usually does. She also isn't staying out in the open. She is staying under the couch instead of out in the open and won't play with her 3 yr old sister who is the same breed (not neutered). She doesn’t exercise much, staying under the couch all day, not eating or drinking until evening.
Dog Doesn't Jump Editor ReplyThank you for your question.
All of the symptoms described here represent some kind of generalized condition, which develops in older dogs over time. Unfortunately, even after your detailed description, it is not possible to tell what this condition might be. A detailed clinical examination along with blood tests are required to diagnose the problem.
Your pet is a mix breed i.e. Chihuahua/Dachshund. Genetic and health related research
on these breeds shows that they may experience severe health issues in old age, which are frequently related to the spine, respiratory and endocrine systems.
One can say that any dog can develop health problems in old age, but as far these breeds are concerned, they are more at risk for different conditions, especially non infectious conditions; because of their genetic make up.
In my opinion, you should immediately consult with a veterinarian for a clinical check up and blood tests, before it’s too late. Discuss your dog's diet and its components or ingredients with the vet, and ask for a review if required.
Proper diagnosis and specific treatment is the only way to resolve this problem.
In support along with the specific treatment prescribed by veterinarian, you could try and administer some tonics to your pet. Look for a natural preparation, which will not only help to restoring your dog's immune system status and energy level, but they can also will help to hasten the action of specific drugs prescribed by your veterinarian. For an energy tonic I suggest a product called
Energy Tonic and to support glandular function consider also using a product like
Cushex Drops.
Best of luck and please keep us updated on your dog's condition.