"Yellow diarrhea is probably due your dog eating something he or she shouldn't have, or a food intolerance. Other possible causes include parvovirus or a reaction to a medication. If you suspect food intolerance or something as simple as a bacterial imbalance, then change your dog's diet while providing water."
Diarrhea is usually caused by either a parasite in the intestines or from some problem in your dog's diet. By looking at the diarrhea itself you can have some indication of the cause.
Dog Yellow diarrhea or diarrhea that is greenish in color means that fluids in the intestines rapidly passed through. Other related symptoms include watery diarrhea, a sour or strong smell, multiple large stools every day, weight loss and in some cases vomiting.
This could be due to:
- Eating an object that your dog shouldn't have such that cannot be digested such as pieces of a tree, grass, object from around the house).
- Food intolerance which means your dog is having trouble digesting a particular food) - if you introduced something new to your dogs diet that they are having trouble digesting. Note that food allergies tend not to cause diarrhea. Some adult dogs have trouble digesting milk products (lactose intolerance), meats such as beef, pork or chicken or any other type of food.
Other diarrhea colors indicate:
Black tarry stool shows bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. A light color can indicate liver problems. Blood indicates a problem in the lower intestine or a colon problem. Stools which are large, gray and smelly indicate either a small bowel problem or an absorption problem.
Treatment for Dog Yellow Diarrhea Symptoms
The key to treating diarrhea is to restore the health of the digestive system, assuming there are no other causes other than some type of bacterial imbalance.
Some suggest not feeding your dog for 24 hours, but be sure to give them fluids such as water to avoid dehydration. After this period gradually introduce mild foods such as chicken and rice. If digestive imbalance continues consider a probiotic supplement or natural supplement such as PetAlive.
If the diarrhea lasts for more than 24 hours or if you see blood seek the advice of a veterinarian immediately to make sure the diarrhea isn't due to something more serious. Also see a veterinarian if the diarrhea stops, but then comes back frequently.
Dog yellow diarrhea can also be due other causes including medications, such as those used for pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy or a virus such as parvo. In puppies excess feeding of milk could cause a yellow coloration to the stool.
Treating Acute Diarrhea and Chronic Diarrhea in Dogs
McCluggage, David DVM
Diagnosis and Management of Refractory Diarrhea
Colin F. Burrows, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS, DACVIM
University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine
Gainesville, FL, USA