Flaky Dime Sized Dog Nose Bump just above Black Lab's Nose

Dog Skin Bump on Nose - Black Lab

Dog Skin Bump on Nose - Black Lab

Reader Question: There is a flaky, dime sized bump on our 11 year old black lab's snout, just above his nose. It is flaky and looks similar to a scab, but the area didn't suffer any trauma that we are aware of. Any ideas on what it might be causing this dog nose scab would be appreciated.

Answer from Dog Health Guide Editors

Thank you for your question. It seems that your dog's skin is dry, alopecic (loss of hair) and it seems that the bump has been growing for some time, as the scab possesses a prominent center. Skin bumps and dry lesions of this kind are either caused by a dog skin fungus or from limited allergies.

For these types of problems, it is recommended that you should irrigate and wash the scab with an antiseptic and conditioning preparation such as Xenodine Iodine Antiseptic Solution.

Thereafter, apply a topical preparation such as Panalog Ointment, which contains anti fungal and anti microbial ingredients. Once the dry skin condition is cured, symptoms such as skin scabs and alopecia should resolve on their own.

As your dog is now a senior, extra skin care is needed. Be sure to use a quality shampoo for bathing and consider the use of a natural remedy which can help to maintain canine skin health such as Skin and Coat Tonic.

Try the above mentioned treatment options, but remember that bumps and scabs in this specific area of the body are not always due to fungus or limited allergens. If the scab grows larger and causes any discomfort for your dog, consult your veterinarian immediately. It might be some kind of dog skin tumor. Timely surgical excision (removal) will cure the problem.

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Sep 01, 2014
black lab redness on snout and nose with scabs
by: Rob

Last year my dogs were digging in back yard at our new house we moved into and ended up with fungus on their face. The 2 yr old black lab was the worst with spots of missing fur all over his face and crusty lesions in his ears as well. The vet told us to use medicated soap and topical anti fungal This provided relief, but I remembered something I used on my kidney transplant cat. I asked the vet for the medicine. That was ketokonzinal a anti fungal pill All the dogs cleared up quickly.
This year, only the lab has issues and he has not been in the back yard. This is different where his snout has red and scabby formations as well a his nose He has been no where the other dogs have been and it is only him.
They all eat the same food Kibbles & Bits. Nothing is different between any of them.
I do not have the formations on the face or in the ears that I did last year.
He is going to the vet tomorrow, but I am getting frustrated. I am concerned about the liver side effects to ketokonzanal although I used it sparingly on all the dogs last year. I believe I used 5 pills on each dog total.
We never had these issues when we lived in the country.
I also have a lab/shepherd mix and he has never suffered the issues nor did the wolf hound mix. Only the Blue Heeler, the black lab and the rottie/chow mix last year.

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