Pittbull Diet for Weight Loss

by Susan Scott
(Bellmawr, NJ)

I recently took my Pitbull to the Vet who treated water on the lung and heart. She is fourteen and cannot do steps. I am worried that I might have to put her down. Her weight is also an issue. I always fed her what I ate. I know her weight is definitely not helping the panting. I know I need food she can eat.

Editor Comment

Hi Susan,

I'm not a veterinarian, but I can try to offer some general advice. If your Pitbull is struggling with mobility, health, and weight issues, it's important to work closely with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action. They can provide you with professional advice tailored to your dog's specific needs.

As for her diet, it's essential to feed her food that is specifically formulated for dogs. Human food can often contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs or lack the proper nutrients they need. Over time, this can lead to obesity and other health issues. Consult with your vet about a suitable diet for your dog, considering her age, weight, and health condition.

Some general tips for a healthier diet might include:

Choose high-quality, age-appropriate dog food: Look for food specifically formulated for senior dogs, as their nutritional needs are different from younger dogs. This will ensure that she is getting the right balance of nutrients.

Control portion sizes: Overfeeding can lead to weight gain, so make sure to follow the feeding guidelines on the dog food packaging or your vet's recommendations.

Limit treats: Treats should be given sparingly, and it's best to opt for healthy options. Again, consult with your vet for suggestions on the type and quantity of treats that are appropriate for your dog. You could select some vet-approved, low-calorie treats include carrot slices, green beans, small amounts of cooked lean meat, packaged low-calorie treats and broccoli

Encourage gentle exercise: Even though your dog has mobility issues, try to encourage her to engage in low-impact exercises, such as short, slow walks or swimming (if possible). Exercise can help maintain a healthy weight and improve overall health.

Regular check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your vet to monitor your dog's weight, health, and progress. They can also adjust her diet and exercise plan as needed.

While it's impossible for me to give you specific advice, a trip to the veterinarian will be well worth the effort.


Editor and Publisher
Dog Health Guide

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