5 Sick Pet Symptoms to Keep Track Of


When you have an appointment with a veterinarian because you’re concerned about your pet’s health, the veterinarian is going to ask a variety of questions about what’s been happening over the last few days. This is even more important when it comes to an online Telehealth appointment. Whether you’re planning to make a veterinary appointment soon or you just want to be prepared for your next appointment, here are five pet symptoms & conditions you should keep track of.

1. Refusing Food

Pets may refuse food in the short term for a variety of reasons. A pet not eating for a few hours isn’t necessarily cause for alarm. However, if your pet refuses to eat even when food is available for more than about 12-24 hours, and this is out of character for your pet, you need to talk to a veterinarian about what might be causing it.

2. Changes in Bathroom Habits

Changes in bathroom habits are important to pay attention to. However, you especially want to note if your pet has issues with diarrhea or constipation, if you’ve noticed any mucus or blood in the stool, or if your pet has stopped going to the bathroom altogether. These changes can indicate your pet may be ill. 

3. Eye Appearance

If you notice redness, excess watering, cloudiness, mucus buildup or dryness, this can be an indication of a number of different concerns. If you do notice any of these things, note when you first noticed them and whether it goes away at any point. Writing down this information can help the veterinarian understand what’s going on.

4. Vomiting and Retching

Vomiting and retching can be indicative of different types of sickness for pets. If you notice your pet is vomiting, make sure you determine how many times it happens, what the pet is vomiting up, and whether it happens directly after eating. Retching can be equally important; even though the pet may not actually be vomiting, it’s still indicative of a potential problem, so keep track of this symptom as well.

5. Wheezing and Coughing

These are indications that your pet may be struggling with respiratory issues. Respiratory concerns are common in a variety of health concerns, including things like pneumonia and common viral infections. In some pets, coughing can be difficult to differentiate from retching, so it might be a good idea to record your pet when you hear them.

How to Answer Vet Telehealth Questions

Knowing the questions a veterinarian might ask may help you prepare to answer them. Your veterinarian may ask you some of these questions during your telehealth appointment:

  • When did you first notice your pet’s symptoms?
  • What symptoms have you noticed?
  • Does your pet generally seem more lethargic or less playful?
  • Did anything out of the ordinary happen recently? 
  • Has there been any change in food or exercise?

Make sure you keep track of these things so that you’re prepared for your vet appointment.

Your Symptom Tracking Can Help Your Pet

Keeping track of potential sick pet symptoms can help a veterinarian understand what’s going on with your pet. That way, you’ll be able to get help and make your pet feel better soon. If you need to make a vet Telehealth appointment for your pet, consider making an appointment today with Vetster to get all the help you need.