Table of Contents
Travel Safety | Safety in Emergencies | Emergency Evacuations | Keep Escape Artists Safe| Destruction Prevention | Safety from Poisoning | Vet Stay Preparation | Safe Space | Anxiety Comfort | Guest Separation | Surgery Recovery | Fight Prevention
"If you’re undecided about whether to crate train your dog, you need to read this article.
There are lots of benefits that crate training can provide for you and your dog that you’ve probably never even thought of.
Keep reading to discover 12 health and safety benefits for your dog."
1. Travel Safety
By far, the safest way to travel in a vehicle with your dog is to have him securely confined in a travel crate.
If you have a collision in your vehicle, a dog traveling loose becomes a potentially lethal projectile that could injure you and your passengers. In addition, a dog that’s contained in a travel crate is less likely to become anxious and upset when riding in your car.
2. Safety in Emergencies
In an emergency situation, while you’re away from home, emergency responders will be more easily able to find your dog if he’s safely contained in an easy-build dog house or crate rather than roaming free.
A frightened dog could run away and hide or escape when the responders enter your home, whereas a dog in a crate can’t escape. In addition, dogs can become unpredictable when they’re afraid, and a dog contained in a crate helps to keep emergency services personnel safe during a rescue.
3. Emergency Evacuations
If you live in a region where earthquakes, wildfires, and other such emergencies are a regular occurrence, it’s much easier to evacuate your home if your dog is crate-trained.
It’s easier to get your dog quickly and safely loaded into your vehicle if he’s crate-trained. If you have to stay somewhere unfamiliar apart from you during the evacuation, your pet will be safer in a crate rather than wandering freely in an unfamiliar place.
4. Crates Keep Escape Artists Safe
If your dog is an escape artist, there’s a danger that he might get into trouble if he escapes and dashes out into the street. Keeping your Houdini hound confined to a crate can help to prevent accidents.
Escape artist dogs can also get into areas of your home where they could become trapped and injured. Having your dog contained safely in a crate while you’re out is the best way to prevent him from getting injured.
5. Destruction Prevention
Puppies and young dogs can be incredibly destructive when you’re not around to keep an eye on them. Keeping your dog confined to a crate is an excellent way of protecting your property from destructive behaviors.
Be sure to provide your dog with plenty of chew toys to keep him busy while he’s crated so that he doesn’t resort to munching on the bars of his crate or his bedding.
6. Keep Your Dog Safe from Poisoning
Although it might sound dramatic, keeping your dog crated when you can’t watch him can help to keep your dog safe from poisoning.
How so?
Well, dogs have a habit of exploring new, unfamiliar substances with their mouths. That includes cleaning chemicals, cosmetics, your own medicines, houseplants, and human food items. Many familiar household articles contain chemicals that are highly toxic to dogs, and there are plenty of foods that will make your dog very sick if he ingests them.
If your dog is shut in his crate, he can’t get his teeth into something he shouldn’t.
7. Preparation for Overnight Vet Stays
At some point in their lives, many dogs have to stay at the veterinary center. That could be following desexing surgery or following treatment for a medical condition.
Vet clinics generally use crates to house their inpatients, and that can be distressing for a dog that’s not crate-trained. So, crate training your dog can help him to feel more secure and less anxious during a vet stay.
8. A Safe Space
All dogs love a den where they can sleep safely and enjoy some downtime in a busy home. A well-appointed crate can help to provide that denning experience for puppies and adult dogs alike.
Equip the crate with a cozy, comfortable bed, blankets, toys, and treats to provide the perfect den for your pampered pooch.
9. Separation Anxiety Comfort
Dogs that suffer from separation anxiety can appreciate the safe, confining experience provided by a crate.
Cover the crate to give your dog that all-important feeling of security that a dark, quiet place provides.
10. Keeps Your Dog Away from Guests
Not everyone feels happy around dogs, and some people have pet allergies, so the last thing your visitors want is to have your dog leaping all over them when they come to visit you.
A crate can help to prevent undesirable doggy behaviors, including barking when the doorbell rings, jumping up at visitors, and escaping out the door when guests arrive at your home.
11. Recovery After Surgery or Injury
If your dog has a surgical procedure or suffers an injury, your vet might recommend that you keep your dog crated during his recovery period.
Spending time confined to a crate rather than roaming loose allows injuries to heal without the risk of your dog doing further damage to himself, bursting stitches, reopening wounds, etc.
12. Prevents Dog Fights!
Even though two dogs might appear to be friends while you’re around to watch them, a scrap could break out when the animals are left alone unsupervised. Tempers can fray over a toy, food, and even a bed, potentially leaving you with a vet bill and an injured pet.
If your dog is crate trained, you know he can’t get into any mischief or fights while you’re out.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to crate-training your dog from a health and safety perspective.
Spending time in a crate helps to keep your dog safe in an emergency, prevents your furry friend from eating stuff that could make him sick, and can provide your dog with a feeling of security and safety when he’s left home alone.
Did you crate-train your dog? Tell us how you got on in the comments box below!
Crate Training Story to Share?
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