"Sentinel for Dogs will protect against heartworm disease and control adult hookworms, while removing and controlling roundworms and whipworms. The tablets will also help to protect against fleas. Active ingredients are Milbemycin Oxime and Lufenuron. The product is considered to be 100% effective. Veterinarian approval is needed to purchase this product."
SENTINEL contains the active ingredients milbemycin oxime and lufenuron and is well tolerated by all breeds. It is an oral tablet for the prevention and control of fleas, the prevention of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease and the treatment and control of roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum) and whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) in dogs.
SENTINEL is given orally with a meal and should be given on the same day every month. It can be given with a small quantity of food before the rest of the meal is given, or per os immediately after feeding.
The active ingredient in Sentinel is Milbemycin oxime. It can be given at monthly intervals with a "reachback effect" of 2 months when doses are inadvertently delayed. This means if you forget a dosage for 2 months, your dog is still protected. If you've given your dog Sentinel for 12 straight months, this safety net extends to 3 months, with 97% effectiveness. If you forget for 4 months, this window shrinks to 4 months.
Sentinel Dogs Side Effects
Sentinel dogs side effects are rare. Some dogs may have side effects such as depression, hives, diarrhea, itching, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy and seizures. In dogs that already have worms, and among those dogs that have side effects, the most common one is diarrhea.
Nervous system problems seen in Collies who have taken Heartgard are not seen in this product.
Dog Worms

- Infects most puppies before birth or while nursing.
- Roundworm are present in most puppies when born and can be picked up by dogs from their daily routine or environment.

- Larvae is swallowed or enters through the skin.
- Can cause bloody diarrhea leading to anemia, and in extreme cases death.

- Eggs are picked up from the dirt and then are passed through feces of infected dogs.
- Known to be a cause of anemia and dehydration.
- Whipworms in dogs are difficult to diagnose.
- Worms stay in the small intestine.
- Irritates the anus of your dog and may cause them to drag the anus along the ground.
- The hydatid tapeworm can pose a serious risk to humans.
Resources Sentinel for Dogs
Heartworm Disease in Dogs: An update
Clarke Atkins, DVM
Diplomate, ACVIM (Internal Medicine & Cardiology)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC